You Time
Is making time for yourself selfish, I think not. How important is your happiness to you, aka saneness?! You should definitely have some ME time. You are probably guilty of not allotting much time for yourself, so am I. As crazy as our lives are today YOU have to schedule YOU time in.
What To Do???
Think of an empty house, quiet, peaceful, bubble bath with bubbly in hand. Sounds amazing….yes! Or maybe you choose to just take a nice quiet walk alone to free your mind of thoughts or a long nap may suit you fine. Even squeezing in some time to fade away in a book could serve you right. Whatever makes YOU happy YOU should definitely make sure it happens. And nobody can make it happen but YOU!
Schedule It In
Now, how often is enough or within reason? Juggling time away from family and work is a struggle while your off gallivanting or whatever it is YOU choose to do for your “ME” time. Make it happen as often as you can and no less than once a month! Even sneaking in ten to fifteen minutes a day for yourself can be helpful for your overall well being. There are so many little things you can do in that amount of time that will help bring you back to balance. Try mediating, yoga poses, or indulging in a piece of chocolate by yourself. We all get overworked, stressed, burned out, tired so hit the reset button everyday (everyday is a new day) to avoid total burn out. It’s worth it! It’s all about YOU!