Okay! I know we all have those days when you just don’t feel like getting out of bed let alone muster up the energy to workout. On these days cardio definitely feels like waaaaay toooo much energy being exerted. Even the thought alone is taxing.
Good news is you can still get in a little workout and still feel the burn. This workout out is done while lying down so you can just roll right out of bed without even standing up and get straight to work.
If you’ve gone all day without any exercise and are feeling guilty but still lazy, you can end your day with this lazy leg workout while lying down watching television before you go to bed.
Do each of these moves starting on one side, right or left (you pick) 20 reps of each move, then switch to the other side and do 20 reps of each move. If your hips and thighs aren’t burning much try doing 30 reps of each move or stick to the 20 reps of each move and repeat all the moves on each side for a second round.
Lying Side Leg Raises
Lying on your side, with your legs forward 45 degrees from the body using your hand and arm to prop up your head stack your hips on top of each other. Lift your leg toward the ceiling and then return to the starting position.

Lying Side Leg Pulses
Lying on your side, with legs forward 45 degrees from the body using your hand and arm to prop up your head stack your hips on top of each other. Keeping your leg lifted toward the ceiling pulse your leg.

Lying Side Leg Forward Tap, Backward Tap
Lying on your side, with legs forward 45 degrees from the body using your hand and arm to prop up your head stack your hips on top of each other. Raising your leg slightly, bring it forward to tap the floor, then bring it back to tap the floor for one rep.

More Workouts:
Lying Side Leg Forward Circles
Lying on your side, with legs forward 45 degrees from the body using your hand and arm to prop up your head stack your hips on top of each other. Raise leg and draw a complete circle forward.

Lying Side Leg Backward Circles
Lying on your side, with legs forward 45 degrees from the body using your hand and arm to prop up your head stack your hips on top of each other. Raise leg and draw a complete circle in a backwards motion.

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