This is a big one for lots of people. I’ve heard too many people say eating healthy is not convenient or is too time consuming. Well, it doesn’t have to be. It is what you make it! Make it simple!
My definition of a “snack” is something light you eat in between breakfast and lunch then again between lunch and dinner. Depending on your fitness output any extra snacking may be stacking up as extra calories and really, who needs those!
My definition of “easy” is something you don’t have to make or put together. You just grab and eat or open and eat. For convenience pre-rinse your fruits and veggies, slice them up if needed and put them in ziplocks. Grab & Go!
Eat 2 Healthy Snacks A Day
It is always a good idea to have your snacks in between meals so your not ravenous before your next meal and make a bad food choice or simply over eat. Then, the regret sets it!
Low calorie snacks that will hold you over in between meals.
Nuts of any kind (remember, just a handful)
Protein shake
Protein balls (for recipe)
Beef jerky