I’ve recently developed a new behavior, not even intentionally. I only recognized it when my daughter wrote me a letter for Mother’s Day (hinting) I should be more spontaneous. I am very serious and structured most of the time. It wasn’t until I read her letter a second time and realized what I had told a friend the same day. My girlfriend asked me if I was going to workout class and I indicated I didn’t know, I quit planning my days, it seemed like too much effort. I figure each day will work itself out. Now, I know this is not the most spontaneous thing in the world but it is a start. And this definitely isn’t the kind of “spontaneous” my daughter wants me to be.
Just Another Crazy Day
I’ll admit I do live a “routine” or “scheduled” life, it does make me feel more on track but it is also nice not to have to think about my tomorrow. My everyday is usually planned out. Sometimes it’s actually less work to not plan it out. Planning may include all the things that are draining just thinking about, getting up early to work out (and that is just the start of your day), getting you and your children ready for the day and out of the house on time whatever that is, work all day, run errands on your lunch, pick up children, taxi them around to their extracurricular activities, get home, make dinner, get everyone ready for bed. Yep, sounds draining and definitely not any fun! How the heck do you fit spontaneity in that?!
Should you be Spontaneous?
Children and young adults are more spontaneous because they don’t have many worries, responsibilities or cares. Yes, even some adults carry those same behaviors. As we age we mature and we become a bit more aware, a little wiser, and definitely have way more responsibility (we hope). We should, however absolutely be spontaneous at times. I know it gets harder to have acts of total spontaneity the older you get with work, family, sports, life. You don’t have to be daring all the time just try and throw things around sometimes and surprise your spouse, heck surprise yourself.
Give It A Try ~ You Can Do It
If your a typical “list girl”, this may be hard for you.
Seriously, all this planning to help you out is actually stressing you out! Why do we do it?! I don’t know, but I’m going to try and wing it for a while, or at least when things are hectic and I don’t want to think about anything but the moment.
Yes, you can be spontaneous! You can be anything you want! Try switching things up just a bit every now and then.
Act Out Of Your “Norm” Today
It does feel good to be spontaneous once in a while, it’s good for your mental health to live on the edge every now and then. It will probably do you more good than bad. Get away from the routine, the structure, the list! Just try it! I’m going to surprise my 16 year old daughter here soon and do something spontaneous in her eyes!
a.k.a: arising from a momentary impulse; unplanned