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The average American consumes about 75 grams of sugar each day which is about 19 teaspoons of sugar. Holy Crap, that’s a lot!! The FDA recommends your daily sugar intake be no more than 10% of your daily calories. Based on a 2,000 calorie diet that is 50 grams or 12.5 teaspoons. To put it into perspective there is about 39 grams or 9 teaspoons in a single can of coke. Choose what you consume wisely!
Try these 7 different ways to cut sugar out of your diet and lose weight today.
Quit Buying Processed Foods
An easy rule of thumb: if it is packaged it is processed. Open up your kitchen cabinets or pantry and take a peek. What do you see? Are there a ton of boxes and packages. Pick up one of those boxes and read the label. Is it a long list of ingredients you are completely unfamiliar with? Chances are the food is processed and contains more sugar than you even realize.
Start Buying Whole Foods
This is probably they easiest step right here and something you probably already do. Load your fridge with PRODUCE! Healthy meals are not only good for you they taste amazing. Dinner is probably the most time consuming meal to make, try making a lean protein and veggie for dinner, every night. Throw your meat and veggie on the grill which will save you time and cuts back on kitchen clean up. You can also try sheet pan recipes so all you have to do is throw some meat and veggies on a sheet pan and toss it into the oven.
Cut Soda Out of Your Diet For Good
There is soooo much sugar in one can of soda, close to the recommended daily amount by the FDA standards (that is for the whole entire day). How sad is that? Just think what it is doing to the inside of your body. Bonus: Soda is also expensive therefore, you will save money once you quit buying it.
Stop Loading Your Pantry With Treats
It’s pretty basic, if it’s not available for you to eat, most likely your not going to eat it. Eventually nobody in your family is going to miss the treats in the pantry. You & your family will get use to going to the fruit dish rather then the junk food drawer. Find something else to satisfy your sweet craving like a piece of dark chocolate.
Make Your Own Dressings
Salad dressings and sauces are loaded with sugar. Read the back of the label to find the hidden ingredients under all the different names for “sugar” a.k.a. high fructose corn syrup, barley malt, sucrose, evaporated cane juice, just to name some. I love my OXO shaker. Get your own OXO Salad Dressing Shaker to start making your own dressings.

Quit Baking

I use to do a lot of baking, I found it soothing in a therapeutic way. However, I did quit years ago now and I don’t miss it. If you bake, most likely you are going to indulge. Help you and & your family consume less sugar by putting an end to baking.
Drink Water
Whenever possible drink water. Water hydrates and has no added sugar or calories. Water will also help flush out any toxins in your body. If water isn’t your thing, try infusing it with fruits or vegetables for more flavor.
Try cutting back sugar in one area at time. Eventually it will become natural not to buy sweets, chips, or drink soda. Start small and end big! Try eating these on the go healthy snacks.