How you can implement the Framework for Total Wellbeing Transformation in just 6 weeks!
The outline of the 6 weeks, looks like this.
The framework
Total Wellbeing Transformation
Week 1 Practice Awareness
Week 2. Practice Heart Coherence
Week 3. Dismantle
Week 4. Focus on Your Nutrition
Week 5. Incorporate Movement
Week 6. Sustainability
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Let’s start with Week 1 Practicing Awareness to Jump Start Your Total Wellbeing Transformation
Practicing Awareness and self awareness is essential to any kind of change or transformation. How can you be aware you need change without your awareness to the particular situation, feeling, emotion, or circumstance?
If you’ve been feeling uneasy, stress, overwhelm, depressed, anxiety, unorganized, defeated in life these feelings of dysregulation are signs that some type of intervention is dire.
How to practice Awareness?
Simply put, pay attention. You already noticed your undesirable feelings and emotions and discerned the feelings were not serving you and you want more for yourself. You want to feel happy and free.
Now that you’re aware, what comes next? What do you do with this awareness? You use it to your advantage rather than disadvantage. Use it to shift to a better feeling emotion rather than the stressed out version.
Week 2 Practicing Heart Coherence
Why is Heart Coherence important and why does it come in week 2?
Heart Coherence is important because the rhythm of your heart effects the physiology of your body. This can be measured by your heart rate variability. If you are experiencing the emotions above that is incoherence and as you know the feeling, it doesn’t feel good to experience incoherence physically, mentally, emotionally, or physiologically.
I know what it feels like, I’ve been there.
Using awareness, identify what you’re feeling and employ heart coherence.
How to practice Heart Coherence!
Begin breathing slower and deeper than usual, focus your attention to the area of your heart until you reach a slow and steady rhythm.
Imagine a peaceful scene whether it is the waves of the ocean, gardening, or love for someone or something and breathe that feeling of peace through your heart. You can breathe in feelings of gratitude or appreciation for someone or something as well. Use your imagination.
If you are experiencing feelings of extreme anxiousness try breathing in neutral to neutralize those feelings.
Remember where you place your attention is where you place your energy. That is why it is so important to shift your unpleasant feelings and at least neutralize them. If you can shift into a higher feeling emotion such as love, appreciation, or gratitude that is even better, but that might take some work.
Week 3 Dismantle To Achieve Total Wellbeing Transformation
Using your awareness, your energy, and attention you can start to dismantle unserving thoughts, feelings, emotions and take back control. For instance in my past life I felt unworthy, feelings of lack and not good enough. When these types of feelings pop up, you will notice when you’re being aware, you then practice heart coherence and breathe through a feeling of neutral or higher feeling emotion to shift and quickly resolve the stressful/anxious feeling of lack.
If the thought of unworthiness comes up, what other belief could you program to override your current belief? This would be the feeling you want to feel not the feeling you’ve been feeling. With repetition and diligent practice you will begin to feel more ease.
You will begin to feel more coherence rather than incoherence.
This week may need to be repeated over and over until you get to that place of wellbeing where you feel free, light, and at peace with what is.
Week 4 Focus on Nutrition
Using awareness you will focus on your nutrition. It’s important what types of foods you are consuming. Using awareness you can pay attention to what actually feels nutritious and energizing. Some foods can make you feel bloated, sluggish, or tired.
How could you use nutrition as fuel, as flow, as energy more effectively?
Simplicity is key here. Try to eat mostly whole foods most of the time. How could you incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet? Sometimes it can be easier to add versus taking away.
Let’s talk about removing or limiting certain items. Do you drink soda? How could you drink more water? Do you eat processed foods? How could you slowly limit the amount of processed foods you consume?
This is what I do because it works for me. On weekdays I have either a yogurt or shake for breakfast, salad for lunch and a vegetable and a lean protein for dinner. Not religiously, but I try to follow that regimen most of the time because it works for me without being to0 rigid. If I am craving a deli sandwich for lunch I’m going to enjoy one.
On weekends if I choose to do so I’m going to “live” a little and have some bread or pasta salad with my dinner or go out to lunch and enjoy it without feeling guilty. Hello, french fries? I have it bad for fries…
Now, the point in me sharing what I do with you is so you can determine what regimen works for you. Take a moment and think about what makes sense for you, your schedule, your family if you have one, and what type of nutrition would honestly make you feel good.
Using awareness you can begin to implement what you just came up with.
Week 5 Exercise – Fitness – Movement
Probably a no brainer here. We all know we should be exercising daily. Start small, but start if you are not currently doing something to move everyday.
When I say small, I mean 5 squats. It feels better to do 5 squats than nothing at all. Take a 10 minute walk. A 10 minute walk is better than no minutes at all.
Start somewhere and continue to build on moving for a good 30 minutes a day.
Find something you enjoy or at least like to do for exercise. Youtube has some great videos if you enjoy working out at home.
There’s a host of benefits from exercise that’s why it is an important part of your total wellbeing transformation.
Week 6 Sustainability – It’s time to Sustain your Total Wellbeing Transformation
So now that you have the framework, you focused on something new for one week at a time, now what? Using awareness it’s time to focus on sustaining what you just learned. Repetition turns into behavior change. Continue to practice awareness and apply it to everything you do.
For a more in depth Framework for Total Wellbeing Transformation you’re going to want to get the free guide that I created to help keep you accountable during your transformation.
Be easy on yourself
Remember your doing the best you can
Take notes, get a journal
Give yourself both Grace & Praise
Do what you can when you can
Be intentional
Design your ideal day first thing in the morning
Reflect on your day at the end of it
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