Try this standing ab workout to work your abdominals and your obliques. When you get tired of lying down doing crunches or planks throw some standing ab work into the mix so you don’t get bored.
These are body weight ab moves that can be done anywhere….just a bonus.
Check out the video here:
Do 20-30 reps of each move.
Sumo Crunch

Begin in a sumo squat position, legs open wider then hip distance, feet turned outward, squat down and position hands behind your head. Keeping your torso straight bend to the right bringing your right elbow toward your left knee, back to starting position, then bring your left elbow to your left knee for one rep.
Right Side Toe Kicks

Begin in a standing position step back with your right leg and kick toward your left hand as you extend your left arm out in front of you.
Left Side Toe Kick

Begin in a standing position step back with your left leg and kick toward your right hand as you extend your right arm out in front of you.
Oblique Twist

Standing hip distance apart bring hands together in front of your chest and twist to the right bringing your hands back to center, then twist to the left for one complete rep.
Standing Right Crunch

Stand hip distance apart with hands behind your head, raise your right knee to your right elbow then lower for one rep.
Standing Left Crunch

Stand hip distance apart with hands behind your head, raise your left knee to your left elbow then lower for one rep.