There is so much talk about self love, self care, body acceptance and body shaming. It’s like it’s a new thing but it’s really not. It’s always been this way for as long as I can remember. It’s just social now. More voices are being heard than ever before. Some of them should actually be ignored (haters). The thing is, it’s never too late to start loving yourself or just giving yourself more attention! You can start today, right now, in fact.
It’s incredible to think of all the people in this world that hate on themselves, men, women, children. It’s so unhealthy and it takes way too much energy focusing on the negative. Start exerting all that energy into positive vibes. Start loving yourself more today, right now! Why not, you deserve it! It may not be the easiest thing to do in the world but with some work and practice you can totally get there. Start small and end BIG!
Take it one day at a time. Like I mentioned above, start small. Focus on one little thing you like or even love about yourself. It could be your beautiful eyes. Look at your eyes in the mirror and tell yourself you have beautiful eyes, you love your beautiful eyes. Do this for a week, then the next week, find a new love for yourself. Keep at it until you have more love for yourself then hate. Put up “post it” notes if need be as constant reminders. Journal your new love, even if it’s a quick line of your new found love for yourself.
Self Care ~ You should care enough about yourself to always take care of you. Put YOU first! Exercise for your mind & body. Fuel your body with nutrition from the earth. When your eating healthful meals it really makes an impact on you & your lifestyle. Take care of your skin (yes wash your face, twice a day, apply sunblock everyday even in the winter). Your hair and nails would love some of your attention too. Take extra time to do some simple things for yourself that you don’t normally do. If you don’t normally style your hair, style your hair! Go to bed early and take time to read a pleasurable book. If your feeling blue, get yourself all dolled up, even if you have no where to go, it will make you feel better about yourself and carry yourself just a little bit higher.
Drink lots of water. Keep your body hydrated, replenished and free of toxins.
Self Love ~ Love yourself everyday – Never hate on YOU! Love what you see in the mirror, love your front, love your back. Love yourself enough to get up early in the morning and choose to be Happy! Give yourself what you need and Love Yourself Madly.
You could say I don’t like my dried out hair, my sun damaged skin, my gargantuan feet, blah blah blah, but why do that to yourself? (oh yeah, that’s me) My husband tells me I’m the most beautiful woman from the ankles up. We just joke about it. I’m certainty not going to lose sleep over my feet. It’s unhealthy! I’m thankful I have feet, I can do so many different amazing things with them. It certainly isn’t going to make you happy to pick yourself apart. Your only tearing yourself down. Come to terms with the things you cannot change about yourself learn to just let them be. Accept them. Those things you can change, start working on changing them. They will not change on their own, do yourself a favor and make yourself more lovable and make the change. One thing at a time, one day at a time. Do have patience with yourself.
This one is so very important. If you do not pamper yourself most likely you are not going to get pampered. The reality of it is you have to treat yourself like a goddess. Give yourself love, get a manicure, if funds are an issue it can be soothing to paint your nails yourself, do a facial mask, cleansing your skin of impurities feels great, try a hair mask or bubble bath with a glass of bubbly! I dare you! Try it! There are so many different soothing techniques you can do for yourself. Try something new you’ve been wanting to try, schedule it in and make it happen. Pampering yourself doesn’t have to be extravagant. Some may think of it as an expensive day at the spa. Everyone’s definition of “pamper” is different. Yours may be reading a book, that’s perfectly fabulous, relaxing, and pampering. Taking a walk can be pampering, it’s decompressing, soothing, it’s gets your blood circulating, clears your mind, and gives you an excuse to get outdoors. Rock out to some music! The best things in life are free!
My all time favorite quote which I look at everyday “There is nothing in this world that can trouble you more than your own thoughts”. I have this written on a post it on my laptop. It couldn’t be more true. You are your own worst critic. It doesn’t have to be that way and it shouldn’t be that way. Next time your thoughts are eating you away, recognize what is going on and put a stop to it. Remember what you love about yourself. Find yourself a mantra or inspiring quote that motivates you and put it somewhere you will see it daily.
Some people care what others think too much. That can wreck havoc on your overall well being. Read my post on “Should You Care What People Think” ultimately, it doesn’t matter when it comes down to it. You come first, give to yourself, it’s hard to give when your not getting. Put YOU before anyone else.
You also want to be an influential example for your children and other loved ones in your life. Show others you are capable of being your best self and the behavior can be contagious.
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Live to be happy. Inspire to be you.
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