There isn’t one strategy “fits all”, that goes without saying we are all different. What works for me may or may not work for you. What works for you sometimes may not work for you all the time. It depends on the situation and your stress level. The only way to know is to put it to the test. Below are some examples of things you can do that may help you de-stress or neutralize your stress level.
De-Stress using these methods:
- Meditation
- Yoga
- Running
- Walking
- Music
- Writing
- Reading
- Taking a bath
- Take a drive in the country
Do What You Can When You Can
Now, depending on your situation the above might not be suitable at any given time. It may not be feasible to do yoga or go for a run while you are at work. If music helps you calm down use earbuds if you are not in a place where you can crank it up. Take a break and go for a brisk walk or quick run to eliminate some of that stress. Try journaling, write it down or write it “out”. Break free from that stress! Schedule me time once a week to make sure you are taking care of you. Friendships do wonders, schedule a lunch date or cocktail hour once a week. Life is crazy busy these days and sometimes it is hard to find that balance so schedule it in. Write it down on your calendar so you do not forget to take care of you.
Maybe you find bliss in going shopping with or without a friend. Nature is peaceful and helps to bring back balance. Take a walk or run outdoors versus in doors for more de-stressing benefits. Schedule a hike on your day off. Remind yourself to slow down. Is it really all that important to mop your floor today?! Do you really need to stress over the things you are stressing about. Remind yourself of all that you do have and all of your successes. Most likely when life is hectic and your schedule is crazy there is a reason for all of it, remind yourself of the end reward and I’m sure it is worth it. If it’s not, maybe you ought to re-evaluate your situation and make some modifications.
Bring Calm Back Into Your Life
There are many more activities you can do to bring calm back into your life and you probably already know what works for you. The important thing is to make time for you. Everyday if possible go for that run, walk, or chat with your BFF. Read something pleasurable before bed to calm, clear and relax your mind. Just remember you are a person too, with needs that need to be attended to and everyday is a new day. Give each day a fresh start and choose to wake up happy!
Reach Out
If you need to by all means take matters into your own hands and seek out the help or guidance that you need.
Book a call to see if we’re a fit to work together. It’s free and easy to set up just hit the link below.
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