I’m very excited to be offering this very special service of Building Personal Resilience.
The HeartMath Institute provides scientifically-based tools that bridge the connection between heart and mind and deepen people’s connection with the hearts of others.
What is resilience to you?
HeartMath’s definition of resilience is a broader understanding of resilience: Resilience is the capacity to prepare for, recover from and adapt in the face of stress, challenge, or adversity.
You will learn different techniques for emotional self-regulation using heart focused breathing which helps you connect more deeply with your heart. You will reset neural patterns to form a new healthier baseline. Your triggers will diminish or go away.
Sustaining coherence heart rhythms for a longer period of time can regenerate your mental, emotional, and physical systems and help you recharge and accumulate energy.
Benefits Include
- Mental Clarity
- Emotional Regulation
- Decrease in Anxiety
- Drop in Depression
Results based on studies show improvements in ability to sleep, calmness, ability to focus, decrease in anxiety, drop in depression all creating mental and emotional well-being.
Check out this video and on heart focused breathing where I explain to you what it is and how to do it.
Game Changer For Anxiety
This is one of the most simplest and convenient technique you can implement on the go for anxiety.
I was panicked before when it snowed where I live in Texas, quite a bit actually and I had to drive in the snow. I had to drive by myself go home grab chains to pull out a vehicle and a tractor that got stuck trying to pull out the stuck car.
I then remembered because I do have a regular practice of practicing heart focused breathing and coherence to breathe in calm. It clicked that voice in my head said “I know what to do”. It worked almost instantly, I had the confidence and calmness to do what I needed to do to help.
This Simple Technique
Creating more heart coherence and silencing the noise has been a game changer for myself and my clients.
Get the Help you Need Today
For 1:1 HeartMath Building Personal Resilience mentoring/coaching set up your free Discovery Call today. Click below for more details.