Should you care what people think? In one simple answer…..NO!
We cannot control what others think about us or in general. Just one reason why you shouldn’t care. It can destroy your self esteem and cause you unnecessary stress. You know who you are and what you did or didn’t do. Always remember that! When it comes down to it, ask yourself, “does it really matter what others think about me” and for the most part it really doesn’t, so why let it eat at you day in and day out. Some people hold onto other peoples opinions for years. It’s so not worth it! It’s unhealthy! Don’t do that to yourself!
I know so many grown mature adults that still care what people think about them. It’s really just an added stressor in your life that you don’t need, nor have time for. Ask yourself why you do care when you find people’s opinions bothering you. When you find yourself giving a s#*! next time someone talks smack about you recognize who that person is to you, are they your true friend, would it bother you if you never talked to that person again, if you lost that friendship would you be upset. If, the answer is no it definitely isn’t worth letting that person have such a consequential impact on you or your self esteem.
There are some people in our lives whose opinions actually matter like the people you truly love and care about, family, close friends, spouses. You should absolutely care what your loved ones think, to an extend. Not to the extent where it harms your well being and is creeping into your daily thoughts. If you find yourself thinking about it daily, losing sleep over it or stressed out, there’s definitely a problem. It should be addressed, talked about, and a conclusion should be met, or agree to disagree and then move on with your life. Life is too short to live in misery!
If your not so focused on what the people that aren’t significant in your life think it will be easier to deal with circumstances that arise with people you care about.
It is human nature to care, especially if you have a conscience. Acknowledge the “talk”, let it go, move on and be done with it. Don’t harbor the negative.
All I want you to realize is that you have to draw the line somewhere and only you can decide where you draw that line. You may have to weed people out of your life and that’s okay. True friends should be happy for you. Just remember who you are and exude happy conduct!
Live to be happy. Inspire to be you.