A Quick Summary of My Thoughts
I particularly am not fond of the words “I’m on a diet” or “I can’t eat that”. Your “regular” daily consumption of food when not on a diet is a “diet” however, it’s not typically considered to be on a diet. I like to refer to a “diet” as nutrition. Our bodies need nutrition to survive and for all sorts of other things such as energy, hormone regulation, healthy cells, and so on. Typically when your not on a “diet” you eat whatever you want without counting calories, or adding this or that to your daily consumption.
No Keeping Track
There is no counting calories. There is no weighing food or keeping track of carbs, proteins or fats. Simply eating healthy or healthier is a self-trained habit that you can do all on your own. If you get into the habit of always eating a lean protein with a veggie and smart carb for dinner then you have created a healthy habit that most likely you enjoy!
Fad diets are mostly never enjoyed! They are also short term….lose weight, get off diet, gain weight back. What’s the point of doing that, it’s just not sustainable.
That my friend, is why eating healthy or healthier which means eating healthy most of the time is a much simpler method or habit to stick to then the next latest and greatest fad diet.
By healthier I mean, Do Indulge! Don’t go crazy and binge eat but do eat a hamburger, do have some fries, do eat that yummy dessert that looks so tantalizingly decadent.
Do make a habit of not indulging daily but DO NOT give up the indulgences in life that you love. Have that glass of wine with the girls!
Give up what you can live without and you won’t miss it or at least limit it! (You might miss it at first)
Tips On Eating Healthy
Make it simple.
Think portion control, mindfulness, and moderation.
Only eat until you feel satiety. Don’t get seconds if you’re already full.
Eat clean.
Clean eating is anything from the earth basically. Produce, beans, meat. Whole foods. Eliminate most processed foods.
Examples Of Eating Healthy
- Eating healthy is good! Actually eating healthy is really good! Like, good as in tasty! Sticking to eating healthy can be far easier than one might think. Do you like chicken, steak, pork chops, or fish??
- Do you like broccoli, zucchini, asparagus, sweet potatoes, salad??
- Do you like brown rice, quinoa, or wild rice??
- Do you like apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries, or cherries??
- Do you like black beans, kidney beans, navy beans, or pinto beans?
Every client I’ve ever worked with has always liked health foods the problem is usually a multitude of different things.
Examples that can hold you back from eating healthier.
Simple Things You Can Do To Burn Extra Calories
Run while doing house work. If you need to go to one end of your house to grab the vacuum run there and then run back.
Park far away form the main entrance of a store. This way you are adding in extra steps without thinking too much about it. Your also saving time because by the time you get done driving around looking for a “good” parking spot you could have parked in the boondocks and been in the store already.
Do squats, lunges, or any exercise move that comes to mind while you are cooking dinner, getting ready for work, or just standing around. Be more active. It’s the little things. They all add up! My step mom does squats while she waits for her dog to go potty.

Tips On Giving Up What You Can Live Without
First, take the easy route and by that I mean work on one item at a time. If you’ve been really wanting to quit drinking soda (which is wonderful) then just work on cutting back until you have completely given it up. Trying to give up everything bad for you all at once is setting yourself up for failure. Why do that?? When you don’t have to!
Soda is a biggie for a lot of people. Try indulging in a soda only when you go out to eat. If you’re going out to eat more than once a week, try ordering a soda only one time that you go out to eat when you’re really craving one.
If you are able to quit a bad habit cold turkey, hooray! Quit & Celebrate because you are awesome! Give yourself some time then move on to the next bad item on your list. Slowly but surely you will get there.
One healthy habit at a time.
Focus on Healthy Habits
By healthy habits I mean, focus on exercising, eating mostly whole foods, foods that are minimally processed.
Aim for getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night. You want your body to function optimally so you get the most out of it. When your well rested you can think more clearly and perform better doing that workout.
Drink plenty of water. Approximately 3L per day or about 6 bottles of water. To keep track try setting 6 water bottles out put them on the counter or somewhere they stand out so you can easily keep track.
Exercise. Walking is free. Unless of course you pay for a gym membership. But, hello, if you are paying for a gym membership you best be using it. Cardio is great for weight loss and heart health and it’s an easy go to workout any day of the week. Most of y’all can get in 30 minutes a day.
Finally, try to keep that stress level at bay.
Live to be happy. Inspire to be you.
Sometimes it can be hard to navigate this journey on your on. To get guidance, support and accountability BOOK a Discovery call with me today.
It could be having a non judgmental coach guide you through your journey is just what you need. Let’s talk.
Your Coach, Jen Anderson

Certified Master Health and Wellness Coach